Listen to your Voice
When I hit my 6 month postop milestone I started to engage in a gentle yoga practice every morning before the kids needed to greet their day. I have found over this last month that this simple beginner yoga routine has awakened my sense of control ---- control over my mind, which to be fair I have never really lost completely; control over my body, which I truly cannot recall the last time I felt; and control over my spirit which honestly I feel as though has been the driving entity in this whole journey. Check out this great article on the benefits of a regular yoga practice at
Wellness isn't a destination, friends. It is a journey. One upon which we have to choose to embark and then choose to stay the course. The road will wind and the terrain will vary, but it is the inner strength we all have, our fierceness if you will, that will guide us. Stay fierce, friends. Stay true to that fierce voice inside that will lead you if you let it. <3
Thanks for reading.