Pay It Forward
At 26 I was diagnosed with an intestinal malrotation which caused significant increasing medical issues. More than a decade of deterioration. More than a decade of decreased quality of life. More than a decade of doctors, tests, blood draws, medications. (Comment or Message me on my Facebook page Little but Fierce Wellness and I'd be happy to elaborate or read through past blog posts).
At 40 I was given a second chance at life by a brilliant surgical team in the Intestinal transplant department at the Cleveland Clinic. When I say this page is about strength and hope --- I mean that I know what it's like to stare a very bleak fate in the eye and desperately fight back; I know what it's like to have the medical community scratch their heads and apologize that they cannot help; I know what it's like to be weak, frail and so terrified that the next episode would just be too intense for my body to handle.
Yes! This is a page about resilience and hope. Most importantly, though, it is a page about HOW I chose to be and stayed fierce in the face of great adversity. I did so with knowledge and choices every day. Lifestyle choices. Personal choices. Nutritional choices. I feel I learned so much about how our food, cleaning and personal care product industries work and how our choices in those domains impact our health that I have to share my knowledge with others. I try to do so daily on my Facebook page "Little But Fierce Wellness."
I didn't have a guide. I didn't have a resource since my condition is so rare and understudied. But I persevered, researched, networked. I am so grateful that I was able to find my malrotation solution and in the process able to change my life for the better through choices in all the above mentioned domains.
Thanks for liking and following me! I promise to do my best to stay fierce and deliver knowledge, inspiration and positivity every day! Stay Fierce, Friends!
Thanks for reading! <3
Instagram: @littlebutfiercewellness
Facebook: Little But Fierce Wellness